Refrigeration Managment Strategy

We’re on the sixth generation of refrigerant transitions, and each “environmentally-friendlier” refrigerant was the next target on the EPA’s hitlist. Is this the last transition? Maybe.

Strategies for Refrigerant Transitions

High-GWP refrigerants are under increasing pressure from the government – not to mention the expected shortages of some refrigerants due to AIM Act restrictions. This is the time for a proactive transition strategy, because reacting to government regulations is a never-ending cycle. We can help you come up with a transition plan to get out of the problematic refrigerants and help you choose the right refrigerants for the future. There’s no magic bullet, but there is a way to narrow your options based on your specific situation and needs. We’re here to help!

Consulting on Refrigerant Managment Best Practices

How do your refrigerant management policies and practices compare to industry best practices? It’s hard to tell if you’re just looking at your company. Not only do we have the combined experience of working with tens of thousands of supermarkets, but we also wrote many of the industry’s best practice guides. We’re the people who train the trainers. Whether you just need preventative maintenance specs or an entire company guideline on environmental best practices, we’re the ones for job.

Software Development for Refrigerant Management and Compliance

All off-the-shelf refrigerant tracking software products claim to keep you in compliance. Do they? Well … kind of. If you are one of the many companies thinking about designing your own refrigerant tracking and compliance software, we can help. We work with your software developers to create the specs for the software system, and we test the end product with every compliance scenario we can imagine. Maybe you want software that helps you prevent compliance issues before they happen, rather than just documenting your violations and making the EPA’s job easier? Been there; done that. Believe us, you don’t want to try to figure this out on your own.

Refrigerant “Management by Metrics”

The RMS “Management by Metrics” System uses your data as the foundation for a set of actionable reports and analyses to help you measure the success of your refrigerant management program. We track your progress toward goals, identify gaps in your compliance program, and pinpoint opportunities to save money, just to name a few benefits of the system. The system can also be used to better manage your service contractors, providing metrics to gauge their performance and any areas of improvements. You probably use metrics for most other areas of business, it’s time refrigerant management joined the club.

Refrigerant Banking Consulting and Tracking

The time to think about refrigerant banking is before you need it. Whether you want to hedge against supply shortages or huge price increases, or you want to use your recovered refrigerant to meet your servicing needs, it pays to bank refrigerant. But the logistics involved with banking can be challenging. And just keeping track of the refrigerant coming into the bank vs. the refrigerant leaving the bank can be a fulltime job. Let us help. You don’t have to figure this out on your own.

GreenChill Reporting and Store Certifications

Whether you’re trying to figure out whether to join the EPA’s GreenChill Partnership, or you just need help with your annual GreenChill report and Refrigerant Management Plan, we’ve got you covered. Or maybe you are looking for recognition for that fancy new store you just built? We can help you determine whether your stores qualify for GreenChill Store Certification Awards. Our Department Head ran the EPA program for years, so we are very familiar with all the ins-and-outs. We’re happy to help.